Sajeesh Rajendran

Dark & Curved… To Blurred Destination!


Framed in:  Destiny is shaped by how we face life. For those who seek safety in following others, sticking to well-trodden paths, a monotonous and uninspiring destination often awaits. But for those who dare to take the road less traveled, they discover new paths and leave behind trails for others to follow. These are the leaders, the ones who forge ahead.

The journey to destiny might be winding, dark, and filled with obstacles, with only a faint glimmer of hope in the distance. It may be long and challenging, but it is the energy of optimism and the power of dreams that carry us forward. May the paths you choose lead you to enchanting landscapes and fulfilling destinations.

Framed Out:  This snap is one I will never forget. After an exhausting bike ride of over 400 kilometers in a single day, I was heading back to the estate, needing to report for work by 6:45 AM. It was already 6:30, and I still had a half-hour ride ahead of me. But how could I pass up such a stunning scene? I decided to stop my Enfield, fondly called “Mayavi,” and capture the moment.

With my Yashica FX3 in hand, I immortalized the “Road to Destiny.” The exposure was just right, and the photo beautifully captures the cool serenity and completeness of dawn.

Grey Frames: The end is decided when you decide the path. Fidel Castro

Trapped in Between…


Framed in: No matter what we do to bring clarity, chaos persists. It’s a curse of our generation, lost in the maze of the Internet and the digital revolution. Despite advancements in communication and technology that should make life easier and more relaxed, we face increasing pressure and unhappiness. Contentment is elusive, especially for today’s youth, who often feel off-track. They drift aimlessly, like being lost at sea without a destination. This leaves them with a strange expression, unable to fully enjoy life.

Imagine a serene landscape filled with lush green tea bushes, a cool, refreshing river flowing through the middle, a pleasant breeze kissing your lips, musical notes played by cuckoos, and gentle drizzles under mild sunlight. What more could you need to enjoy life? Yet, even in such a setting, chaos and solitude remain—a persistent curse.

Framed out: This picture was taken at Panniar Dam in Kerala during my brief tenure as an Assistant Manager at one of the tea estates in Surianelli, managed by HML. It was a memorable Sunday when my best friend, the sound mixer Vishnu, came to visit me at the estate. We decided to make a trip to Panniar Dam, joined by my colleagues Arun K. Nair, Milton Durom, and Sijin. The trip was fantastic in every sense—boating on the dam all day, with occasional showers and rum to keep us company. It was truly one of those days to cherish.

Before we embarked on the boat, there was a moment when the clouds parted and allowed the sun to shine through. I spotted Vishnu sitting on the riverbank, smoking and lost in deep thought. His pose, filled with attitude, caught my attention. Seizing the moment, I captured this shot with my Yashica camera. This picture, with its contemplative and serene mood, remains one of my favorites.

Grey Frames: we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh.       Friedrich Nietzsche