Sajeesh Rajendran

When the Tree Loves the Sky…!

Framed in: Love stories unfold across the world, reminding us that life is still filled with warmth and beauty. The sharing of hearts, the embrace of a hug, and the tender dampness of a kiss all reaffirm that living on this earth isn’t as mundane as it sometimes seems. When a tree falls in love with the sky, the impossible becomes possible.

The steadfast, grounded tree stretches its branches wide, yearning toward the cool blue sky, where dreamy clouds float effortlessly. They are worlds apart, seemingly incompatible. Society doesn’t see them as a perfect match, and naturally, doubts arise about whether they could ever truly be together. But no force on earth can keep them apart, except perhaps their own fears or doubts. For two hearts in love, boundaries dissolve, and nothing else matters but the connection they share. That’s the essence of the old saying, “Love is blind.”

But what happens when there’s discord between those two hearts? A kiss—a warm, tender kiss full of affection—can heal any rift. It’s the simplest yet most profound way to bridge the gap and rekindle the spark of love. Let the tree kiss the sky, erasing all differences and coming together despite the odds. Kissing away the blues might just restore the magic of affection that brings them closer.

This should inspire everyone to reconnect with their loved ones, reviving the lost charm of romance that often fades in the monotony of daily life. Let’s make this world a paradise, for only love has the power to turn any hell into a heaven!


Framed out: This photograph is part of my series titled Nostalgic Mornings. For me, mornings are the most magical time of any day. There’s something deeply comforting in watching the darkness gradually give way to light, with the gentle sound of birds chirping in the background. Sipping a hot cup of tea, reading the newspaper, and sitting on the balcony while enjoying the cool morning breeze—mornings are truly romantic, a time I wouldn’t trade for anything. The coziness they offer is something to be savored to the fullest.

For a photographer, mornings are brimming with opportunities. The soft, golden rays of the sun, gently slanting across the landscape, bring out a unique beauty in everything they touch. I’m always drawn to pack my gear and set off on early-morning adventures, chasing those perfect moments. This shot was born from one such expedition.

The silhouette of a tree against a clear blue sky, with wisps of clouds delicately scattered around, was an irresistible scene for my lens. Captured with my Yashica FX3, the diagonal tilt of the tree brings a sense of movement and energy to the frame. It’s one of my personal favorites—a picture that’s as romantic as it is visually striking. The blend of simplicity and elegance in this shot makes it a timeless piece in my collection.


Grey Frames: “Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can’t see anything wrong with each other.” Rene Yasenek

Beyond Frames: This dedication is special. This is for some one who made me dream the same dream many a times in a day! For the angel who made me believe a tree can love the sky and kisses are the magical remedy for any drifts between two hearts! Its for you.. on this special day.. to make it more special… kisses and love…